IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking
8–11 July 2024 // Madrid, Spain

Special Sessions

Women in Engineering (WIE) / Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) Session

Session with invited speakers and a panel.

More information to come soon.


Young Professionals (YP) Session

"Role of Young Professionals after Graduation, opportunities through Communication Society"

This panel discussion will delve into the array of opportunities available to Young Professionals (YPs) after graduation, specifically focusing on their involvement in the IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc). The session aims to provide valuable insights into the goals and initiatives of ComSoc, illuminating the diverse career pathways and opportunities it offers to YPs, spanning both academic and industrial realms. Panelists will share their personal experiences and insights on the skills and knowledge YPs can gain through active participation in ComSoc, highlighting the impact of mentorship programs in this context. Moreover, the discussion will explore innovative approaches through which ComSoc can nurture creativity and innovation among its young members, paving the way for their professional growth and success.


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